
The Navy Lark

My step in to naval wargaming started when I got Victory at Sea to use with my dad's (from when he was at school) Davco 1/3000 WW2 ships. We enjoyed a few games at the club and I thought I would try something different, so I got a copy of Shipwreck! for Cold War era naval combat. Not a bad set of rules though having only played it twice I'm still unfamiliar with the rules, one of the guys at the club said that compared to Harpoon they are a lot simpler set of rules but still retaining a good level of detail. So anyway, here are some pictures of my working progress. At the time of writing this I have just purchased a small selection of civilian craft for objectives/scenery/scenario, hopefully I'll be able to share some photos of them soon.   Royal Navy based     Soviet Navy based     Royal Navy sea texture complete (polyfilla applied and left 'rough' to imitate a sea)   Soviet Navy sea texture complete   Royal N...

7th Cavalry

Let's get this new blog started with my 7th Cavalry squad for Dead Man's Hand. Me and my dad were toying with the idea for a while whether to get Dead Man's Hand to try it out. After a lot of uming and ahing he got the set of rules first (with the 4Ground game tokens) and after a quick 'let's see what this is like' introduction game I also got a copy of the rules and went with the Legends of Dead Man's Hand as well. It's a very fun and fast paced game using D10 and D20 (only need one of each for a game) with card activation and special ability cards to create advantages and disadvantages to you and your opposition respectively. My dad already had quite a large selection of Wild West figures bought cheap from eBay (mixture of Dixon and others) to use with a set of rules he had put together, I also ended up buying a few (mine from Artizan, where they had the 7th Cavalry reduced at the time), and on top of those we already had a gift from one of the mem...

Time for a new start

It's been a while and I thought I would start a fresh blog, show casing my current projects, which there are a few sitting on the table. Like any good wargamer there is a lead pile sitting there waiting to be started or finished. Currently on my workbench are 20mm WW2 Polish Infantry, 10mm WW2 Eastern Front, 10mm Vietnam and 1/600 Cold War. I hope to be able to start posting these projects soon, watch this space.